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I have been a member of Business Chicks since 2004 and I love it. Business Chicks is a great place to share successes and also ask for help. Or just have a Business Girls lunch if you work on your own. It is a great place to learn from other successful business women, in a comfortable atmosphere. It is a place to have that moment when you aren’t feeling the strongest, which happens over time in my business I have run since 1997. It can be a lonely business being a business owner not knowing who to ask who for help, and it can be just as hard to celebrate successes without people thinking I am filthy rich. And also a great place to say just how proud I am of what I have achieved. I feel empowered being there for other women business owners, and I know this helps me be a better person all round. 

Phillippa Jacobs-Lory
Business Chicks Chairperson since 2006

Business Chicks is a group specifically catering for women business owners.  It’s less formal than some other groups, and more focused on education, exchange of ideas, information, and support of each other.  The monthly meeting format is ideal for busy women, but often enough to keep up the contact, which suits me really well.  Great environment to learn, ask others for advice and enjoy the company of like-minded people. I can highly recommend!

Kind regards,